Full name:



Goal which triggers the animation of JSXM specifications using a graphical environment. The GUI offers visual representation of the animation allows easy switch between animating JSXMs.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: compile.
  • Invokes the execution of this plugin's goal compile prior to executing itself.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
animateAll boolean - A simple boolean variable for setting whether or not the tool will animate all the examples. Although when running the console animation is set to false the GUI animation loads all the SXM currently available. Set animateAll to false and provide an animateList to animate specific examples.
Default value is: true.
animationDelay int - Animation delay between SXM states of GUI animation.
Default value is: 400.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
animateList List - In case there is more than one specification in one example and you would like to specify which specification you want to animate then you should use the tag animateList and the tag param inside the animateList. There could be as many param as the specifications of a project. For example if you have 10 specifications in an example but you would like to animate only 4 of them, then the four names of the specifications must be used in the animateList. <animateList> <param>Account</param> <param>Accont2</param> <param>Automato</param> <param>Cart</param> </animateList> The above example specifes that Account, Account2, Automato and Cart will be animated.

Parameter Details


A simple boolean variable for setting whether or not the tool will animate all the examples. Although when running the console animation is set to false the GUI animation loads all the SXM currently available. Set animateAll to false and provide an animateList to animate specific examples.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: true


In case there is more than one specification in one example and you would like to specify which specification you want to animate then you should use the tag animateList and the tag param inside the animateList. There could be as many param as the specifications of a project. For example if you have 10 specifications in an example but you would like to animate only 4 of them, then the four names of the specifications must be used in the animateList. <animateList> <param>Account</param> <param>Accont2</param> <param>Automato</param> <param>Cart</param> </animateList> The above example specifes that Account, Account2, Automato and Cart will be animated.
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Animation delay between SXM states of GUI animation.
  • Type: int
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: 400

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Version: 1.4.11-RC5. Last Published: 2017-11-30.