MarsExplorerJSXM contains 4 JSXM specifications that are tranformed to Repast Agents and can be used in the Repast Framework. The specifications are Crumb, Explorer, Obstacle and Sample.


The following snippet describes the states and the transitions of the Crumb JSXM specification.

    <!--States definition-->
        <state name="initial" />
    <!--Initial State definition-->
    <initialState state="initial" />
    <!--Transitions definition-->
        <transition from="initial" function="Step" to="initial" />


The following snippet describes the states and the transitions of the Explorer JSXM specification.

    <!--Dependencies definition-->
        <uses sxm="Obstacle"/>
        <uses sxm="Sample"/>
        <uses sxm="Crumb"/>
    <!--States definition-->
        <state name="initial" />
        <state name="carrying" />
    <!--Initial State definition-->
    <initialState state="initial" />
    <!--Transitions definition-->
        <transition from="initial" function="MoveRandomly" to="initial" />
        <transition from="initial" function="FollowCrumb" to="initial" />
        <transition from="initial" function="AvoidObstacle" to="initial" />
        <transition from="initial" function="Carry" to="carrying" />
        <transition from="carrying" function="MoveToBase" to="carrying" />
        <transition from="carrying" function="AvoidObstacle" to="carrying" />
        <transition from="carrying" function="DropAtBase" to="initial" />


The following snippet describes the states and the transitions of the Obstacle JSXM specification.

    <!--States definition-->
        <state name="initial" />
    <!--Initial State definition-->
    <initialState state="initial" />
    <!--Transitions definition-->
        <transition from="initial" function="Nothing" to="initial" />


The following snippet describes the states and the transitions of the Sample JSXM specification.

    <!--Dependencies definition-->
        <uses sxm="Explorer" />
    <!--States definition-->
        <state name="initial" />
        <state name="carried" />
        <state name="atbase" />
    <!--Initial State definition-->
    <initialState state="initial" />
    <!--Transitions definition-->
        <transition from="initial" function="Carried" to="carried" />
        <transition from="carried" function="Move" to="carried" />
        <transition from="carried" function="Dropped" to="atbase" />

*The specifications included in this example are not compilable and cannot be animated.

Download the MarsExplorerJSXM Maven project.

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Version: 1.4.11-RC5. Last Published: 2017-11-30.